Thursday, March 4, 2010


I got to bed late last night and then was awoken by Annie very early. I wanted to get some more sleep, but Jeremy's unofficial restless leg syndrome was keeping me awake, so I went to the bed in Annie's room. This morning, I awoke (much later than I expected) to hear the WONDERFUL sounds of my two youngest children playing quietly in their beds. When Evan finally got up and came to me, I asked him what he had been doing (after I called him a "VERY GOOD BOY" in my sweetest voice) while he let me sleep in.

"Just doing cross-eyes. Two times. Just my cross-eyes."

Uh-okay. Don't love that, but I love the extra sleep. (I don't love it because we need to take him to the eye doctor again to get his lazy eye/squinting problem checked out)

Our speaker at MOPS today encouraged me so much! So much, that this afternoon, instead of cleaning up the spit up that went down my back, leg, shoe and made a 6-inch diameter circle on the floor, I got out my camera to take a picture of the culprit. She seemed so proud of herself, grinning at me from her crib. I did clean up the spit up, but now I need to purge sippy cups and put the kids' underwear in the bathroom and find the extra space on top of my shelves...if you had been there, you'd understand.


  1. Darling pics of Annie. I wasn't there but I think I get it - underwear in the bathroom- makes sense to me. Wish I would of thought of it years ago. Gamma

  2. PS. I love Evan's creative was to amuse himself when you slept. And I love Sam's bobsled quote. Pa j and I both laughed out loud. Gamma


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