Friday, May 15, 2015

Silliness, Sweetness, and the Super Bowl

Yogurtland.  Our family shoulda bought stock in this place when it opened.  Fun outing with the kids and silliness that might have gotten a little too silly.

Scarves, swords, and helmets.  And a sweet lunch date with daddy.

This is a scarf I got from the family of our
 Pakistani student, Adam.  Jeremy is underneath.

Annie wanted to have a tea party, so we did.  It was a success, and then every little girl who came wanted to have one of her own and it got a little out-of-hand.  We attended a lot of tea parties for a few weeks.
Annie set up a little table for Alice and Special Baby

We went to thrift stores to buy tea cups that the girls could take home as a favor.  Some of them were a little weird.


Bread from around the world.  Yum!

Our international Super Bowl Party was so much fun!  

 We even had a half-time football game!  I don't even remember who played in the NFL version of the Super Bowl, but I know our teams were Russia/Iraq/Pakistan/USA vs. Russia/Kyrgyzstan/Belarus/USA.

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