Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Once Was and What Could Be

So...I poured my heart out in my last blog post and promised to write more, then it seems that all my creativity and deep thoughts dried up. Also, I left the camera at the bottom of a seldom-used bag and hardly took any pictures of the kids during the last month...which usually provides the inspiration to write. So, that's why I've been silent. Oh, and I am heavily involved in the planning, cooking, and decorating for a big Valentine's fundraiser dinner for our youth group, so yeah, I've been busy.

I often entertain thoughts of how I could make some money doing something clever or creative--you know, every stay-at-home-mom's dream job of working from home doing something really cool. But, it seems that the equation of the amount of time it would take vs. the amount of time it actually takes to keep the house semi-clean, the children alive and mostly healthy, and the husband reasonable happy doesn't work out in favor of me pursuing any money-making ventures.

Of course, it would be fun to be one of those mommy-bloggers who ends up writing a book based on their blog. I did win a couple of prestigious writing awards when I was younger...a $50 savings bond from the Daughters of the American Revolution and a free trip to Camelot Golfland and a bumper sticker for a D.A.R.E. essay contest. But I definitely don't blog aggressively enough to make that happen any time soon.

I recently dabbled in saxophone lessons...I had 1.2 students for a while (1 solid student and 1 who came to maybe 2 lessons and then quit). I used to be pretty good at teaching...and it's recently been brought to my attention that 2 of my former students now perform with people like Dave Matthews Band, Katherine McPhee, and Glee. I'm just sayin'. One of the students wasn't with me for too long until she moved on to a professional, but the other came to me as a little kid who didn't know how to put a reed on and would blow his heart out and wiggle his fingers frantically trying to sound really cool. So I'll take at least partial credit for his success.

I was also paid for some performances with my little saxophone quintet. Why is one of the guys wearing a 4th of July hat at a Christmas performance? I have no idea.

If I really look to the past for inspiration, I think I won a few cash prizes at costume contests in my day and also won some awards for crafty things I did at the fair (but don't bring that up around my sister...long story). I would love to sew cool stuff and sell it, but again, when would I do that?

I have had a few opportunities to "cater" events (using the word "cater" is kind of an exaggeration...more like I was compensated for the things I bought and served to people). I really like doing that and even daydream about it with one of my close friends. In fact, today is the Valentine's Dinner that I mentioned above, and it feels like I am a caterer with all the trips to Sam's Club, the restaurant supply guy, and the fact that crock pots have been going non-stop for 2 weeks at my house. Even this passion/obsession with making the event bigger than it needs to be goes back to my youth: I used to help put on a Valentine's Banquet each year for our youth group. It was big (well, at least in my memory). We got donations, had waiters and waitresses (okay, so it was the senior citizen Sunday School class from the church, but still), had strolling musicians, door prizes and lots of surprise guests. Here's some pictures to help you understand what happens when I am involved in planning an event.

It's hard to make a large room with tacky yellow chairs pretty, but I think we did pretty good!

The California Raisins showed up and surprised us one year.

Two guys took my instructions of "Ties optional, deodorant mandatory" very literally. (It's hard to tell in the picture, but they came in wearing just ties, no shirts, and carrying deodorant. Good times.)

There was a magnificent performance of "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun"--totally funny in my day but COMPLETELY inappropriate how times have changed.

For our Valentine's Dinner tonight, my expectations are a little more practical (now that I am an adult)
1) that people don't get sick from the food
2) that none of my hair winds up in the food on someone's plate
3) that we at least make up the money that I spent buying supplies

If we have fun, people like the food, and we raise money for our Mexico trip, I will be relieved and happy.

So is event planning in my future? Considering the fact that there are dried beans everywhere in the house (because my kids kept getting into them while I was working), the waist-high laundry pile is engulfing a quarter of my kitchen, and my family has eaten frozen pizza 5 times this week, the answer is probably no. But it would be fun.

I did used to babysit, too. So un-glamorous...but it appears that that is the best option at this point for some income. But I had business cards made for my saxophone lesson teaching and I had some really cute ideas for centerpieces for someone's spring wedding...


  1. Blake and I both won the DARE essay contests at our schools too! I feel a special bond with you now :)

  2. Don't give up the dream Kaci! :) Christy

  3. It's hard to see and remember that what we do as mommies is an important job - the world keeps telling us that we need to do more. Never forget the fun and creative things you can do with the kids, while you're trying to keep them alive and relatively healthy that is :). Keep up the good work.
    "And her children will arise and called her blessed"

  4. i remember that fun! i totally stuffed my bra...and remember thinking that silver dress was like the prettiest thing i just think it looks cheap and you can see all the stains on it :) oh...and the california raisins...they were amazing...oh...miss all those guys - we had a good group!


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