In the picture, it looks like Evan is happy (note the chocolate in his mouth) but a few seconds later he was crying and smearing chocolate drool all over my jacket. So, as you can tell, I didn't think the morning was a success, but the beautiful thing about it is that Sam didn't pick up on any of that adult-stress and had a blast. I love that about kids--and Sam seems to especially enjoy anything we do that is out-of-the-ordinary. He makes life fun! On Good Friday, I was driving in the car and Sam said, "I just prayed to ask God to come into my heart and bless me." We talked about it some more and I'm not sure what he understands, and it was only later that I realized the significance of it being Good Friday. It's at least a conversation to remember, and I'm glad he's thinking about these things.
On Sunday, we woke up to look for Easter baskets and plastic eggs. As I predicted, Evan was much better at finding everything than Sam. We went to church...I didn't get the boys new outfits and was feeling rather frumpy myself, but it was a beautiful day and I was thankful for my family and for the reminder to think about Jesus, not myself.
(I think this picture is kind of silly...but it was all I could get the 3 boys to cooperate for. Jeremy looks like Abe Lincoln in his memorial sitting in the chair like that--only bigger and with a bigger smile) We had our friends, Aunt Jason and Uncle Riah (that's what I accidentally kept calling them) over for ham and cheesy potatoes and jello with carrots and pineapple in it (everyone made fun of me for that one...but I like it!) and then poor Jeremy stayed at the library till midnight doing his seminary homework. Today is his last drive down there (until summer classes start) and I am glad that he will have a break. Now I've got to get working on my week of skits and am already looking forward to next week...I'm planning to do NOTHING!!!!
Haha! I laughed out loud at the "Jeremy looks like the Abe Lincoln statue" comment - he totally does! Where's the top hat??? Love all the snowy Easter pictures too - that's so Flagstaff.