This is what happens to me sometimes. I get so many ideas in my head and then I start making questionable decisions. Like making a double batch of cookies at 10 pm the night before I am heading to California for a week. When I should have been doing dishes. Or packing suitcases. Or any number of other, more productive, more healthy ideas.
You should have seen the look on Jeremy's face when he saw what I was doing (or more specifically, how much food I was trying to prepare for him to have while I'm gone) . It was a look I had seen would be on my face when my mom was getting ready for some event or getting ready to send me off somewhere (like to college--"Do you need some laundry detergent? How about some clothespins? What if they don't have notebook paper?"). I admit to overdoing it...but if you could only be in my brain and know my good intentions and how many ideas I had already edited. By the way, I love you, Mom!
So I didn't make the broccoli-beef and rice I was planning on, and he has convinced me that he won't starve. Maybe someone could have him over for dinner, then I can feel better about leaving him for a week. (I think I might get another "look" for saying that on here...but hey, I'm his WIFE.)
On a separate but no-less-interesting note, we've been trying to figure out what to do about school for Samuel next year. I was asking a friend about the neighborhood school while Samuel was playing nearby. My friend's one complaint was how rude the kids can be after school--"When school's out, they all just come flying out the doors and have no concern for others..." The next morning, Samuel asked me quietly and very intently, "Mommy, when you were a girl, and you went to school, (almost a whisper) did you get to FLY out of your classroom?" I started to laugh, but didn't want to embarrass him...I loved the picture that must have been in his head of kids literally flying out of the classrooms. I hope he's not too disappointed next year. The following day, we saw a friend at the Aquaplex who said to Samuel, "Are you going to go hit the pool?" I can only imagine what Sam was thinking.
It blesses my mother heart so much to know that you fuss over Jeremy and love him so much. You're a good wife. Glenda