Monday, January 12, 2009

Aquaplex and Dance Party

After wandering around in my pajamas all day, thinking about the Cheers theme song, I finally got my act together and took the boys to the Aquaplex. Afterward, we came home and had a dance party before bedtime. Now it is 8:45 and I need to start housework...ugh. My first doctor's appointment is tomorrow--I don't think it will be canceled due to snow this time. I can't help thinking about my friend Aimee who went to her first appointment yesterday and heard 2 heartbeats. I think I'll just be thankful for one.

1 comment:

  1. Did you hear just one? I had my first doc appt yesterday and was praying for one heartbeat myself. And we did. Phew. Hope you are feeling well. Looking forward to more pregnancy updates. Ann Marie


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