Saturday, January 24, 2009

Concert, Cooking, and Chaos

I am still feeling blessed by the concert we had at church on Wednesday night. Jeremy and I have been fans of Indelible Grace since we learned about them 6 years ago, and this week, Jeremy brought Matthew Smith of Indelible Grace to Flagstaff. The youth group hosted the concert as a fundraiser for the spring break Mexico trip. Matthew Smith and the other Indelible Grace musicians write new music to old hymns and play in a folk/rock style that we really like. The words to every song were such a was like lotion for my soul. Okay, that sounds weird, but that's how I can describe it!

Here's Samuel cooking with me last night in his new Little Einsteins apron. He loves to help me cook, which is sweet, but usually ends in stress if I am actually cooking something for other people. This picture was right before he stuck his finger into an egg and sent all kinds of little bitty eggshells into the batter...God, give me patience. And below is a picture of Evan's new favorite pasttime--taking all of the envelopes out of the desk drawer and making it "snow" in the office.

So, if you get a letter from me in a very wrinkled envelope, you now know why. (Who am I kidding..I never write letters--which makes me wonder why I have so many envelopes...?)


  1. The concert sounds wonderful. Do they sell CD's? I love that Sam likes to help the cook. That could come in handy someday. At least Evan isn't shredding the enveloped.

  2. Hey Kaci,
    Love your blog the boys have gotton so big.Miss talking to you Iam a stay at home wife enjoy it.



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